It is hard to express how energized I feel, but if you’ve every had a project that spot on expresses who you are, you’ll understand what I’m getting at. What could be better than the prospect of walking around Florence and writing about it? I’m in the zone, which gets me thinking, once again, how essential it is for our well being that we feel purposeful in our life. For many of us (maybe everyone), this purpose is something we hold all by ourselves, something we feel is unique to us. For me, it is writing, not just the thought of writing, but having an actual project that, while giving me meaning, also has the possibility of encouraging meaning in others.
This writing project has a ready available audience. How many of you would love to walk around Florence? Many, many, many. Help is on the way; you just have to get there. But, if that isn’t a realistic possibility, how about being an armchair traveler.