I came across this quote in the August 2021 newsletter of Raven’s Bread—in its mention of Lanzetta new book, The Monk Within: Embracing a Sacred Way of Life.
Hmm, being one’s own person! We like to think we are. Anyone of us ‘obsessed’ with solitude, can take some ownership in that. We introverts (actually I am right on the fulcrum of the introvert/extrovert continuum) must have a sense of being our own person, or else we’d be finding all kinds of excuses to spend more time with others. We don’t only wish we had the nerve to do things differently, we do them.
For example, I don’t just love the idea of travel alone, I do it. At the moment I am working on plans to go to Italy. I am vaccinated and I can wear a mask in Florence as easily as I can in Massachusetts. In myriad ways, Covid is calling us to be our own person. The challenge is not to infringe on another’s right to be their own person.