Roasting a turkey isn’t really difficult but this year I have kept it especially simple by following two simple steps.
1. I purchased a free-range fresh turkey from Deborah’s Natural Gourmet in West Concord. This turkey was ready for the oven the minute I took the wrapping off. It really didn’t need to be rinsed (but I did); not a feather, film of wax, or chuck of fat needed to be removed. Just wipe it dry, add salt, pepper and a cover of oil, and stuff it.
2. I bought Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Classic Stuffing and followed the recipe: sauté celery and onion in butter, add chicken broth and mix.
I’m particularly content with these preparations. The turkey won’t give off excess fat; it will be carved with ease and be tender and yummy. The stuffing is what my mom used to prepare and everyone loved it.
As I sit here smelling the first fruits of this Thanksgiving contribution, I feel content. Although I want my life to be simple, it isn’t easy to pull it
off. But this morning I did it. This morning I am very grateful that I have kept it simple.
(In case you catch this early, I'll be posting progress as the day goes on.