The morning started out fine, but then there was a little glitch, and maybe it was the glitch that sealed the peace and freedom that I’m feeling now. My early morning ritual followed the usual--up early, coffee and sticky bun, reading, meditating, watching and feeling the sunrise, checking email, posting the daily quote.
Then the glitch. Instead of my walk on the beach I decided to be a walk-in at the local yoga studio. “Not a good idea, Bobs,” I told myself as I walked out before the session was over. (There were some logistical reasons why it didn’t work out, but those aren’t important here.)
As I drove “home” to the cottage my conversation-with-self continued. “You are not here to lead the life you have at home. You come here for the energy of solitude, silence and simplicity. I can’t believe that you even considered interrupting that energy by driving (I walk on the beach) to a room over 100 degrees (I keep the cottage at 60) to be with twenty (I invite very few to the cottage) people you don’t know. What were you thinking.”
So, you ask, what has made this day the most peaceful cottage day yet? My yoga glitch helped me settle into the sacredness, the awesomeness of silence, solitude and simplicity. I feel it’s freedom; no struggle. I’m going to post this and go walk the beach.