Right now, as I sit on the deck looking out to a gray sea and sky (must wash the window), it is clear to me that “silence, solitude and simplicity and sometimes being alone” are core issue for me and for others, and that I want to keep blogging in some form or other. But what might that be? Perhaps some of you have some thoughts and suggestions to the following questions that you’d be willing to share with me.
• Does the blog need a new twist? New focus? New title? New format? New picture? What might that be?
• Do I want to keep the blog going? After all, I may be back here next year. If I keep it going, what would help keep it vital and dynamic? What might that be?
• Do I need to end the blog? And start a new one? What might that be?
If you have any ideas, sensible or “off the wall”, please leave a comment on the blog or email me. [email protected] Many thanks.