Back here at home I admit that I am enjoying our self-imposed quarantine, although since we began a few days ago such social distancing has become standard.
I’ve been thinking about how time (and space) relates to solitude. The amount can vary; some people have to grab what they can on their way to work on a crowded subway. I had days and days of free time when I was at the cottage.
I have it again now at my home; I have day after day, night after night. My time is my own, and with that comes a new kind of responsibility. A little free time can be wasted, but now that I have so much, I feel accountable to the universe for how I use every moment of it. How I use it, yes, but more importantly, my intention about it. As I read, pray, knit, walk, work on a jigsaw puzzle, cook, tend the house, telephone and email friends, do I lift up peace and feel it in my heart?