At first I thought that the clerk, (late fifties, I figure), was offering one of those backhanded compliments. But then…What? Really? You’ve got to be kidding? I was not silent, just incredulous. But no, she was not kidding: SHE WAS SERIOUS as she pointed to the sign by the credit card machine that said something to the effect that this supermarket was complying with a state law which decreed that everyone buying liquor had to produce an I.D..
Evidently it took me a looooong time to process this new procedure, because after a while the clerk asked me if I wanted to discuss the issue with the manager. With that I burst out laughing. Once I realized the “seriousness” of the situation, I thought it all so hilarious.
The purpose of carding everyone is to stop people underage from buying liquor. This blog about silence, solitude and simplicity sure isn’t the place to debate the far-from-simple drinking age issue. But for me it’s as simple as can be. Whenever I want to buy beer, I’ll simply pull out my license. I’m not proud.