I like to think that my comment was typical me, although I did consider a few options before opening my mouth. To begin with, I didn’t have to say anything. I could have nodded, or even walked by, me all bundled up in a long coat, scarf, two hats and down mittens, without acknowledging the existence of the man. I could have said, “That looks mighty cold; glad I’m not going to take the plunge.” But what a downer that would have been! Not a big deal, but a downer, a negative, a ‘how stupid can you be?’ Kind of comment. Of course, the man could have blown me off; no harm done. And yet, and yet…. For all I know these guys (women surf, too) may have just come from a barrage of negative comments as they were loading their surfboards onto the car –it’s too cold, why do you want to be in such agony, don’t do anything wildly stupid…
I am reminded of “The Three Sieves”. Is it kind, is it true, is it necessary? So, I gave my best two cents—have fun on this perfect surfing day.