Ah, an extra hour to work on my book. Yes, I’m culling through what I’ve written since beginning this cottage by the sea venture in 2009 and am putting it into book form. There is much to sort through amongst my almost daily journal entries, both hand-written and computer recorded; and then there is the blog. At the moment I am considering a journal format. That’s the easy part. The challenge is to glean the important threads to knit together into a meaningful, honest, coherent whole.
Currently the project is a mess of tangled up yarn: solitude, family and friends, my mom, church, my faith, prayer, travel, and more. But as I read and reread, write and rewrite, the knots are becoming disentangled. I am knitting about meaning… but isn’t that what life is all about? My search for meaning now, in my seventies, and my desire to share with others in the hope that what I feel and experience might tweak something meaningful for them. It’s the journey, always the journey, always the journey to find meaning..