That was me yesterday, stuck on my way to visit some friends. I made the wrong turn, and there I was on this desolate summer-camp road. A car was in front of the house but it looked like no one was home, so after literally spinning my wheels, I cautiously started walking the quarter-mile, icy road to the main highway. I knew I needed help.
And then there was help, diving up behind me. “I got up late this morning and looked out and saw your car. Hop in, I think I can get you out.”
And with that he backed up the entire way, giving me instruction as we went. As I got into my car, he threw down some sand, told me where to back up and how to keep going forward, and voila, I was ready.
But before I started, I called out the window, “Once I get going, I’m not going to stop, so, thank you.”
(I didn’t take any photos, so here’s one of the moonrise last night.)