For you who love silence, solitude and simplicity and sometimes like to be alone, I thought I let you know how it’s going. Brief answer: very well.
Silence: Yes, in that I don’t talk with anyone and can screen out most conversations and noise. No, in that there is too much chatter in my head. Practicing Centering Prayer twice a day in a favorite church helps, although I’m not very good at just sitting and feeling my breath. Practice, practice, practice.
Solitude: Yes, in that I am completely alone making decisions about how I experience my day. Although I have a general plan (after all, I am a routine person), I am completely beholden to my own whim, which is an aspect of solitude.
Simplicity: Yes, in that I do what I do, go where I go, eat what I eat without much forethought. I don’t need a city map any more; I’d say I’m simply on automatic pilot.
For the most part I am fully engaged and am able to stay in the NOW. (For example, I just watched a man sort his garage into the big bins moments before two sanitation workers came along and hoisted them onto a truck and took them away.) Being present to the moment, a worthy corollary to silence, solitude and simplicity and a key to gratitude, is one of my on-going goals. Practice, practice, practice.
One more thing. I am again working on that article about my experiences writing in Florence. There must be people out there who would like to come to Florence to write. Are they more likely to be women traveling alone? Perhaps, but that isn’t the trust of the article. Whoever they are, they might appreciate inspiration, affirmation and encouragement from someone who has done it.
I’m thinking of sending it to GoNomad.com. Whatever your style, please send prayers, positive energy, good vibes.