√ Life is an Adventure ... Dare it
√ Life is a Beauty ... Praise it
Here is the second truth from a sign entitled, “Seen in a draper's shop in India.” As I mentioned in my 2/2/15, my plan is to explore each of the 21 truths on the list. If I write one every other day it will take more than my original intention to finish in a month. However, I’d like to complete the task before I fly to Florence on February 22nd. Not realistic I tell myself.
Life is Beauty…Praise it
When I close my eyes, my first imagine is of snow, specifically the shadows of trees cast by the moonlight last night. Then I wander to the beauty of the hill of Mull and the beaches of Iona, to Fiesoli overlooking Florence, and God knows where else. It’s easy to praise the beauty of nature, but there are other beauties: smiles and other human contact, the arts, satisfaction of a job well done. The point is to take time to offer praise and gratitude, as part of faith tradition, or perhaps just in wonderment of the conditions in which we human beings can find ourselves.