Maybe years ago I scurried around in a frenzy to be sure to get my share of the goodies. Maybe I still identify with the intense, compulsive energy of the squirrel. I may remember, but this running about doesn’t appeal to me; I’m just not in a squirrel’s body any more.
And yet, I love squirrels. Um, undoubtedly I’ll always have a little squirrel spirit in me. Just yesterday I put an over-ripe (call it rotten) pumpkin on the back stoop. This morning when I opened the door, a squirrel scurried off, leaving sunflower seeds behind in his newly created orange play fort. I’m glad he’s enjoying our playground. I’m reminded of all the days I spent as a nine year old scurry about outside, creating magical worlds. Now that I think of it, it was a silent, solitary, and yes, a simple life.