The Argyll Hotel, which over looks the bay between Iona and Mull, offers a front row view of the maneuvers of the ferry. It was a close contest this morning for the folks wanting to get off island and continue their travel plans. Some had flights back home, to the U.S.A or New Zealand, others were dealing with a more flexible schedule.
What was palpable was all the positive energy exuding from the would-be travelers, as well as from those of us happily ensconced on the island for the next few days. It certainly wasn’t silence, solitude or simplicity in any of the usual ways, and yet, that’s what seemed to radiate. Conversation was purposeful; we had a common bond; decision were out of our hands. Among this community of strangers, I’m thinking that maybe we were all feeling some common satisfaction from the silence, solitude and silence that we are all looking for. At least at that moment I didn’t feel I was alone in my longing, or in my contentment.