“As I walk into this week, thinking especially about the three funerals I'm attending, I can't help but wonder: if you were to see someone for the last time, are there specific things you would say to or do with them? Would you act differently than you normally do? Why? What can we do to bring our relationships to their fullest before it's too late? Carpe diem!”
Many questions are asked here, others implied. The following statements, however, are a good place to start:
I forgive you.
Forgive me.
I am sorry.
Thank you.
I love you.
We may not need to get into the first three, but always ‘Thank you,’ and ‘I love you.’ It’s the ‘I love you’ one that has me thinking. I don’t want to say it as a throw-away, as in ‘Have a good day.” I have to mean it.
With that in mind, I responded to my friend’s FB query, with , “Say, ‘I love you,’ and mean it.” This takes continuous work, commitment, and prayer, so I’d better start immediately rather than wait until it is too late and I’m on my way to the funeral.