“I’m trying to push the season along,” was his greeting to me.
“Well, do what you can!”
A friendly encounter, thinks I, as I push along to the beach. On a day like this, why not wish for glorious spring days? And yet, isn’t that what we often do, push along to the future? My smiling homeowner friend was shoveling in the NOW and into the future—one foot in the snow, the other on the cleared walkway.
My next observation was less personal. First, strange footprints on the beach. Not human, not dog, not gull! Then off down the beach, two horseback riders. Riders and horses walking and talking. The horse van was parked along the road, leading me to conclude that the riders had come to enjoy the Now of the beach. After all, what a huge effort just to get there! Why not enjoy the moment with their horses, who were definitely present to each step on the sand and to each inhale of sea air.