As I look back on this past year, I realize that I was becoming cynical and judgment, reaping what I was sowing. I didn't like that in myself, but what to do? The elections results became the catalyst. On Thursday morning I made the commitment to focus my life I what I could do to help people in my orbit, people I know who need visits, contacts, and perhaps a gift from the Brownie Fairy, who is alive and well.
I've returned to silence, solitude, and simplicity. Maybe you didn't know that I had left it. Well, I did, kind of. I compartmentalized myself, keeping to silence, solitude and simplicity during most of my awake time, except when listening to the news. And, I must admit that I became rather addicted to it, listening for two to three hours. I did this until ten days before the election, when didn't turn on the TV. When my candidate lost, it became easy to keep the TV off. Why would I want to listen?
As I look back on this past year, I realize that I was becoming cynical and judgment, reaping what I was sowing. I didn't like that in myself, but what to do? The elections results became the catalyst. On Thursday morning I made the commitment to focus my life I what I could do to help people in my orbit, people I know who need visits, contacts, and perhaps a gift from the Brownie Fairy, who is alive and well.
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Peace Prayer Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved, as to love; For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen. Day 2 To listen to the silence, wherever you are, is an easy and direct way of becoming present. Eckhart Tolle Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Psalm 4:4 The best cure for anger is silence. Marcus Aurelius Silence was imposed on me from the very beginning, and I lived with it until it became my own. Linda Olsson May you grow still enough to hear the stir of a single snowflake in the air, so that your inner silence may turn into hushed expectation. Br. David Steindl-Rast There is a silence which can be only met by silence. Amy Carmichael I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the color and fragrance of a flower—the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence. Helen Keller Do not speak unless you can improve upon the silence. Quaker saying The English word “silence” comes from the Latin, dēsinere, which means to stop. Br. Curtis Almquist A critical step in the embrace of silence and solitude is setting aside the notion that we have to be “doing something” throughout our waking days. Richard Mahler The first requirements of silence are to have faith and patience, and, with one’s whole heart, strength and power—to love and to hope. St. Gregory of Sinai The quieter you become, the more you can hear. Ram Dass I just realized that it has been almost a month since I last posted. Always a reason, of course! Mine, which makes sense as far as this blog is concerned, is that I've been working on my latest booklet *, this one entitled "Silence Thoughts." It's a compilation of quotes about silence, many of them I posted here throughout the years. Until I figure out how to put the link on this blog so you can access it, and print it out if you so choose, I'll post a page right here every day or so. You can always email me if you want me to email you the file of the complete booklet.
“Silence is golden.”My mother’s words as I was growing up, and her silent message until she passed away at age 101. She never needed to elaborate. She lived Ecclesiastes 3:7, ‘…a time to keep silent and a time to speak.’ After I retired from teaching kindergarten (not a silent profession), I began to embrace some of the silence that had been my mother’s natural way of being. I found I loved traveling alone. For five winters I spent the week days in silence at the cottage by the sea that I rented in Maine. My husband and I have always appreciated silence. At this moment I am finding that the world is not silent; it is hard for me to embrace the silence I love. Perhaps it is the same for you. And so, I offer “Silence Thoughts” as a gift to help you embrace ‘a time to keep silent and a time to speak’ in your life. Bobbi Fisher October 2024 [email protected] The other day a friend sent me a text lamenting that she just doesn't feel that she is doing enough, the implication being that she doesn't help people as much as she "should". Safe to say this isn't an unknown feeling to any of us. It's part of the human guilt condition that most of us feel! And, if we aren't concerned about helping others, then maybe we should feel a little guilty about that. But this doing for others isn't just something we "should" do. It is also something we "want" to do, something we "need" to do to help us feel whole and human. It a soul call, a call to be our best human self. When we feel guilty maybe we "should" pay attention to the guilt for a short time, and do what we know we need to do so that it doesn't linger. Helping someone is a great antidote to guilt. The other day at a neighborhood party an acquaintance surprised me by saying, "I read your book." I responded with "Which one?" thinking that she was probably a teacher and was acquainted with one of the books I wrote years ago for teachers. "No, the one about your mother, the one about the time you spent alone at the cottage by the sea." She went on to tell me about the weeks vacation she, her husband and college age daughter had just spent in Maine. "It was kind of like your time; we didn't make any plans; we all just did as we wanted; we walked; we read all day. I'd like to do something like that again, something like you did." We went on to talk about possibilities, what that might look like for her, how that would fit in to her life now. "You'll figure out a way, a cottage by the sea time that will work for you." "I know I will. Thank you for writing the book; thank you for sharing your journal entries, what you were thinking at the time. They resonates with me now." Silence isn't just the absence of noise in my ear. At the moment, as I write, I am sitting in the sunroom feeling the silence of the sound of my son-in-law's ax splitting the wood from a tree we had taken down in our front yard. I look out the window: crack, and then sheer silence, crack and more sheer silence. I love the sound of the crack, and, the sound of the silence in between the crack. And then I love the calm when he comes in to stack the woodbin. Yes, silence because it is an act of love as we anticipate the coziness of the woodstove in winter. Early, and I mean early (4:30) I decided that this Labor Day would be a silent day, a day when I would talk less, which implied listening more. The morning, however, became rather busy around here with my daughter and son-in-law deciding whether to buy a house they had just seen. Much conversation was needed, and rightly so. Nevertheless, I do give myself a pat on the shoulder for listening more than talking. And now I sit in the yard watching my husband garden in silence. I'm still feeling joyful, and I'm going to do my best to keep that feeling going. Here are some photos of the little joyful man that I saw all over Edinburgh when I was there in July 2019. The statues were part of a countrywide project, featuring Oor Wullie, a Scottish comic character , to raise money for children's hospital charities. |
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September 2023