Prayer shawl ministries, started in 1999 by Janet Bristow and Victoria Cole-Galo in Connecticut, have taken on lives of their own all over the world. Groups range from extremely religious to ‘lightly’ spiritual, from organized ministries to individuals working on their own. Prayer shawls are given to individuals, and to those in hospitals, hospices, the armed service, homeless shelters, and more. It’s a one-of-a-kind, awesome ministry, governed by compassion. Check it out. http://www.shawlministry.com/
On a personal note, in just these past few days knitting has slowed me down; I seem to sit longer and calmer in the silence, solitude and simplicity. With needles and yarn in my hands, I’m less distracted, less apt to jump up to do something. And for someone active and ‘hyper’ like me, that is an enormous gift of the spirit.