Clarity No. One. As much as I love solitude, I love going places with friends. Yesterday five of us had a ball just over the border in New Hampshire, first enjoying lunch at the Pickity Place in Mason, and then wandering about the Cathedral of the Pines in Rindge . If this were a travel blog, I’d tell you about them, but since it isn’t, I suggest you check out them out on line, and if you ever in the area, by all means make a visit.
Clarity No. Two. Visiting places with friends is a different experience than visiting alone. What fun we had discussing the herbs and edibles leaves and flowers that were part of our gourmet lunch:
Clarity No. Three. I will return to these places alone, for a silent and solitary visit. On a beautiful day I could spend hours at the Cathedral of the Pines, a “cathedral without walls” that welcomes people of all faiths and honors the service of American men and women, both military and civilian.
Today I’m thinking that I gotta have companionship in order to enjoy solitude, and of course, vice-versa.