I written about a word for the year; a word that represents what I wants to concentrate on and work from January through December. I couldn’t decide upon one word for 2021, so I picked two, patience and availability. Here’s my assessment, half way into February.
Patience. My impatience is never volatile, nor is it obvious as I go about my life. But I am aware of subtle, irrational annoyances that arise when things don’t as fast as I’d like, or when they get in the way of what I’m doing. Awareness is the first step to changing a bad habit, and thus, to help me stay attentive and let go, I’m doing my best to apologize to myself and/or the person who has received my subtle annoyance.
Availability. I’m available to many people in my life. No problem there. One challenge, however, is to be available not only on my terms, but in ways that others would like me to be. Another challenge is to be available to people who might need/want my time but to whom I don’t really want to give it.
Silence, solitude, and simplicity gives me the time and atmosphere to ponder this things. Because I don’t want to fill my life with busyness and distractions, I welcome ways to be more loving and honest.