Then there is Nina Sankovitch reading a book a day to assuage her grief after her sister’s death and writing about it in “Tolstoy and the Purple Chair”. Her blog continues to be a rich resource for all kinds of reading: http://www.readallday.org/blog/
“365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life!” by Noah Scalin has also inspired many to pick a theme and then create variations for a year. The possibilities are endless. Check out http://makesomething365.blogspot.com/ for inspiration.
So I decided I’d make a soup a day. Really? What was I thinking? I don’t have time for such a labor intensive activity, and besides, what would I do with all that soup? Oh, I have the time if that’s what I want to do with my life; we could have soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner and of course I could give it to the people I visit and take it whenever there is a call for food at church.
Well, after completing Day 1 of soup making I have scratched the idea. It isn’t that the soup was a disaster (which it was, but I tell you about that tomorrow), but because, who wants to eat soup for 365 consecutive days anyway? Certainly, I don’t. Why? I like soup okay, but a lot of soup is about vegetables, and truth be told, I don’t like vegetables. How humbling to admit such a thing, but I’m working on humility and confessing such blasphemy is a good a place as any to start.
What I learned from this one day experience is that you to have passion to repeat any variation on a theme for 365 days, and since I don’t have passion for soup or for cooking, no wonder I failed. You have to have passion to get you through those days when you’re tired and want to skip a day, and you have to have passion to give yourself permission to do just that—skip a day. In fact, you have to have passion to do whatever you do in any serious way for any extended period of time.
As far as the 365 a day commitment, I seem to have a passion, a desire, to post a quote every day on this blog. I’ve done so for about 635 days, missing one day, I believe, due to traveling. What’s the passion? Inspiring, affirming and encouraging others to find the silence, solitude and simplicity that they long for--to follow their bliss.
One more thing….I haven’t given up on finding another 365 day project, although if I think about it, I’m already doing a bunch of them, beginning with such mundane, but necessary routines as flossing, and taking my vitamins. And there’s my walking and taking quiet time. But I’m thinking of a new, intentional commitment, something a little bit more radical than flossing.