• The Logan Express driver took Rt. 30 instead of the Mass Pike. Reason: One (yes only one) wild turkey was stopping traffic as he (yes of course a he) wandered back and forth between the east and westbound lanes.
• Hainan Airline pilots, stewards, and stewardesses (yes, all fifteen of them) were told to cut through my security lane at International Terminal E. I’ve never experience this before; flight personnel usually have their own lane. Does this have to do with being a airline from China?
• Most movies I see are on airplanes. Since my trip in January, two new ones have been added. ‘Brooklyn’ was yesterday’s pick from Boston to Frankfurt; ‘Concussion’ will be it on the way home.
• It took the little bus 11:22.40 minutes to to drive from the main terminal in Frankfurt to get us to the plane for Florence. That is one big airport. The good news we didn't have to taxi far for takeoff.
My observations of my first wander about in Florence.