“During this extraordinary and difficult time, the Met hopes to brighten the lives of our audience members even while our stage is dark. Each day, a different encore presentation from the company’s Live in HD series is being made available for free streaming on the Met website, with each performance available for a period of 23 hours, from 7:30 p.m. EDT until 6:30 p.m. the following day. The schedule will include outstanding complete performances from the past 14 years of cinema transmissions, starring all of opera’s greatest singers.’
Last night I watched Verdi’s La Traviata, starring Leontyne Price, Giuseppe Giacomini, Leo Nucci, and Bonaldo Giaiotti, conducted by James Levine. From March 24, 1984. Watching Levine conduct was theater in itself. And what a gift to hear Leontyne Price sing and see her perform.
Streaming each opera for a 23 hour time period adds to the specialness of watching. I have to plan my time, plan to go to the opera, be sure not to squander my ticked.
I’m looking forward to going to La Traviata on Monday. Yes, I will go at 7:30 in the evening. Maybe I’ll get dressed up.