In fact, one of my CBTS New Year’s resolutions is to spend more time sitting, looking, being. After spending 99.9% of my life being busy, as in planning, producing and reviewing, I’m switching to sitting, looking and being. I’m reminded of ‘plan, do, review’, a process I taught my first graders. It may be what you teach in schools, but it’s not the only way to live.
Although it’s definitely counter-culture, I’m into ‘sit, look, be’. Why? To appreciate this incredible creation in which we live is an obvious answer. Then I might add that in stepping out of the ‘plan, do, review’ mode, I stop tampering with the environment and meddling in other peoples lives. How can I tamper and meddle when I’m not doing anything?
Finally, I love being counter-culture. Try it, you may like it, too.