I wonder how these first three weeks will be for me before my daughter joins me for week four? I’ve rented the same apartment that I rented last year near the Piazza Santa Trinita--and that means near the Santa Trinita church and the Santa Trinita bridge--and that means near the Arno. What a perfect location, and what’s more, the apartment is clean, safe and quiet. I’m in heaven even before I get there.
I’m thinking that simplicity is going to rule this trip. As a sign, I left my journal at home, and failed to add an all-about-Florence app to my phone. I guess I didn’t want the complexity of it all. By nature cities are not simple but that doesn’t mean I can’t lead a simple life here. I know Florence well so I can get around without a map and I speak some Italian. My small suitcase holds a few simple pants, shirts and shoes, and my computer, Nook, and water bottle fit into my tidy little backpack.
My plan is wander the streets and eat my way about the city. I’ll visit churches and museums, sit at cafes, write this blog and post some photographs--as simple as that.
As I said, I’m writing this on the plane. When I arrive in Florence I plan to take a picture or two and then post this as is when I get hooked up to wifi at the apartment. Then I’ll go off for a pizza and beer at the Piazza della Signoria.