Of course not everyone likes solitude, but I figure that most of you reading this blog have an inkling of what I’m talking about. There are the extroverts who get their life energy from others, while introverts are energized through solitude. And yet, I don’t think it is a simple question of extrovert or introvert. I am both, although at this time my life, I’m more of an introvert, having satisfied my extroverted self during my parenting and teaching career days.
I’m writing about this because this morning I looked out the window and wished I were talking an early morning walk around Florence. I’ve been home a little over a week, and already I’m longing for that special time alone in that special place. Twelve days is long enough, but I’d like to go more often, say every month.
Sometimes we can’t have exactly what we want. I know that. But we must do what we can to satisfy our longings. We can start by acknowledging how we feel.