My family is doing well: everyone, which means our two kids and four grandchildren, who will all be college graduates by the end of May. My two sisters and my brothers are active and happy. Jim and I are committed to staying in this old house until we can’t!! One of our rules is that we both have to be able to go up and down the stairs. So far, so good. The entire family channels my mom, whose last words before she let go at age 101 were ‘Very grateful.’
You know about me: traveling, walking, active in my church. I love visiting the older folk, which makes me laugh because before I know it I’ll be visiting myself!! Every week I tell my 102 year old friend Ruth that I am catching up with her.
If you are new to this blog, and don't know who I am, check out 'About Me' for a bio. I just read it and had to chuckle at all I have forgotten about myself. Well, at age 83, I give myself a break.