Back and forth I go, from a simple life at the cottage to a more complex life at home. I try to keep it simple, but simple means different things in different contexts. I can’t simply eliminate the cooking, but cooking ahead simplifies things when kids and grandkids arrive. I know that hanging laundry isn’t as simple as using the dryer, but doing so helps me feel I am leading a more simple existence. Being with long-time friends has nothing to do with simplicity or complexity; it’s just a wonderful way to live. Finally, as far as the Super Bowl is concerned, take your pick, football of Downton Abbey.
You ask about the picture? Just my simple spatula. Over the years it had become cut up and jagged and I thought I’d have to buy a new one. But, no, I simply gave it a trim, and here it is, as good as new. Keeping life simple whenever I can.