On my way home I stopped to ask my auto mechanic how in the world I got a dent in the front bumper of my new car. I was certain someone had backed into me, but no, I must have scraped into a concrete barrier while parking. Really? Evidently, new cars are made low to the ground and are protected by a plastic bumper cover, which dents so easily that drivers don’t even notice. I was one of them.
Thankfully there is no structural need to get the bumper repaired, unless driving around with a little dent bothers me. It doesn’t, but what does bothers me is that I get annoyed with the ‘changes’ in new products that I have to buy. Case in point, the new operating system on my computer; the old one will fade into uselessness; I have no choice. Back to the car; with 200,000 miles on my 2004 Camry, I have to consider safety. Final point, it bothers me that I am bothered by all this, that I can’t go along easily with the mechanical, hi-tech flow of the world.
But, thankfully, there are other flows, flows of community that have nothing to do with hi-tech. In the afternoon I took brownies to two housebound friends, one with MS, the other with debilitating shingles. More comforting moments. And, I walked.