After 15 years as Executive Director of Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Oregon and Southwest Washington, I left my job and sold my home. On April 20, I hit the road to look for God in America. During the next year, I'll be posing two questions: 1. How do you experience God? 2. How does that encounter color your life?
By journey’s end, I hope to answer a third question: Can the ways we connect with God help us recognize and appreciate what’s truly important—and perhaps transform how we engage with each other and the Earth?
Although I try to keep away from specific religious talk on this blog, I don’t shy away from God talk as it relates to the search for silence, solitude and simplicity. As human beings we all long for some connection with the ineffable, we all find ourselves sitting in the mystery of life. And that is what Tom is looking for in America.
Tom has me thinking about how people experience solitude. I write about my own yearnings but what about others? What about those of you reading this blog? What about the people I meet? I feel that my understandings have reached a plateau, that my thoughts are redundant, that I’m treading water, that I need to learn from others.
I’d love your comments, either on this blog or to me personally over email [email protected]. I’ll also be asking people as I travel about either at around home or on my solitary travel. In fact on Sunday I’m off to Scotland and seven nights on Iona. No question I’ll meet people who are longing for silence, solitude and simplicity and who sometimes like to be alone.
What questions to ask? How about Tom’s, substituting solitude for God?
“How do you experience solitude? How does it color your life?”