“Busy doing what?” you ask.
“Busy wandering about and doing whatever moves me at the moment.”
There are very few times in life when we can enjoy being on automatic pilot. I had that at the cottage by the sea, and I have it now in Florence. T
Twelve days to do whatever I want, whenever I want! Yesterday I planned to climb the Duomo, but I didn’t. Today I considered going to Fiesole, but so far I haven’t headed that way. In fact I walked in the opposite direction of the Fiesole bus, crossing the Arno to Piazza Santa Spirito to a favorite bar with the little room where I often write and have my first cappuccino of the day. It’s the room with the rows of children’s art work using the church as template for their creations. I’m here right now, writing and wondering where I’ll go when I decide to get up and move.
I assume that people who like silence, solitude and simplicity long for a day, week or even month to live on a carefree whim. I am very grateful for this incredible opportunity that solitary travel has placed before me. It is harder to do when I’m home with obligations and husband and family, but I have faith that there is a little way that I can take a day to turn off my planning mind, and see where I go. How about a day a week living in the mystery.