How do these apply to those of us who long for silence, solitude and simplicity? Here’s my take on my own sense of curiosity, which I humbly admit is probably my weakest trait. Truth be told, I’m not an incredibly curious person, at least not about the physical universe. Exploring the Nile would never be on my bucket list. Yes, I love to travel, but curiosity isn’t what gets me on a plane or down the river.
But, I am curious, curious about God and how the Holy participates in my life: Why are we here? How did we get here? Is there a divine plan? What makes us content? What is the meaning of life, life in general and my life in particular? What should I do and how should I be to tap into this mystery?
I’m curious about the part that silence, solitude and simplicity plays. Or, more accurately stated, I’m curious that silence, solitude and simplicity is absolutely essential to the exploration of these questions.
Um, I do have an explorer’s curiosity.