The cottage was just as I left it, which is always a good sign. I brought in everything from the trunk, everything except the shovel that I transport back and forth in case of snow. Then I eased into the rest of the day; first a nap, and then, since I felt chilled, a bath. I knit for a while watching the waves pound the breakers. And now, as darkness sets in, I’m munching on broccoli dipped in Roasted Red Pepper Humus and drinking a glass of V8 Spicy Hot 100% Vegetable Juice. Such is my silent, solitary and simple life here at the cottage this afternoon. Tomorrow, definitely a walk on the beach.
P.S. I’m not all nutritious and organic. My purchases also included curried chicken tenders with a cholesterol count too high to blog about. And then, god forbid, white rice!!