I don’t know why it has taken me all these year to acknowledge this. I was always on the move as a kid and thankfully my family accepted it. My uncle offered me a quarter if I could sit on his lap for fifteen minutes. I couldn’t do it. A few years ago a friend I’ve known since first grade told me she was amazed I was able to write those six books for teachers.
As I sit here writing, I notice my mind has zipped off million times, in a million directions and my coffee and bagel offer a built in excuse to fidget. My new challenge is to notice and bring myself back to the task at hand—a variation of staying in the NOW (Eckhart Tolle).
This brings me back to today’s message and to the purpose of this blog. In acknowledging and exploring my seemingly innate tendency to flit about—let’s face it, my hyperactivity-- I hope that something will resonate to help you understand the modus operandi of your life journey. I don’t believe we should smother, fight or try to change our god-given particulars and idiosyncrasies. But we do need silence, solitude and simplicity to do the inner work to celebrate the gifts we were given.
I’m going to continue to do a million things, read several books at a time, create several writing places at home and around the towns and countries I visit, and celebrate my intensity.
Two final thoughts… for the moment. I am relieved to finally name this, and, I’m glad ADHD hadn’t been ‘invented’ when I was a kid.