The book is coming along slowly, but I’m making progress, or at least I’m adding to the word count. I’ve finished another introduction, but am now a little stuck on how to proceed. The challenge is to move chunks of what I’ve already written to create a more inviting format, a format that invites the reader to become intimately acquainted with my mom and her life of gratitude.
Today, as I posted a quote, and now, as I write, I am glad to be back on the blog. I missed something important during my mini hiatus. What, I ask myself? I missed the sharing. That’s it. Sharing ideas with whomever you are out there, the readers I know and that mystery group in the clouds around the world.
My plan, as of this moment, is to keep blogging. Thankfully I’ve let go of the need daily to post a daily quote, or to blog every other day. My goal is to keep the momentum of writing “Very Grateful” going. Um, if this blog is about silence, solitude and simplicity, I’d better do my best to keep it that way.
P.S. No word on when or if I'll be returning to the cottage this season.