The social seat of the seesaw finds me volunteering at Open Table, where I help seniors select their weekly food, which includes fresh produce from local farms. Then there are church activities, folks to visit, as well as keeping up with friends and family. The solitude seat finds me walking, reading, knitting, and puttering around the house. Currently this puttering is picking up velocity as we get ready rent another dumpster (our fourth?) and let go of more stuff. The plan is to have our house more or less ready to put on the market should the desire or need arise. BTW, we have no immediate plans for that.
So there it is, my latest status report. Oh, one more thing. I had slacked off on my reading, especially when in Italy, but I’m back now. My 2019 Goodreads Reading Challenge is 80 (the birthday I will celebrate in December). To date I’ve read 48; I’m on schedule.