My fourth season at the cottage begins in two days. Nothing basic has changed, at least not the physical venue, my routine or my intentions. I still long for silence, solitude and simplicity and sometimes I like to be alone. It’s the deepening that has changed—a deeper longing and a deeper feeling of peace.
I keep asking the big question: ‘Why do I want this?’
I keep hearing the same personal and mysterious answer: “So I can be with God and pray for people.”
I don’t usually share these details of my personal journey. You have your own path, I have mine. I have no intention of trying to convince you to do as I do, think as I think, or believe as I believe. I share in the hope that what I write will tweak some longing in you.
I believe, however, that all human beings long for something beyond the self that they know, beyond words or intellectual understanding, something deeply felt and mysteriously known, call it peace, God, the Holy, Soul.