Sarah commented that my 12/3/10 blog has encouraged her to take claim and make a room of her own. As families change, as the kids grow up and then move out, we have different needs for the rooms in our house. This room that I dare to show, clutter and all, used to be my son’s room. Now it’s mine.
Look around and find that room, alcove or closet that is longing to be your special space. I promise, there is one waiting for you. Try it out slowly and quietly by settling in with pillow and book, or claim it quickly and forcefully by pounding a sign on the door.
I don’t have to tell you how to furnish it or what to put in it. You’ll know. The stuff will just appear. Trust me! Right away Sarah came up with a list of what was important to her. My essentials include a recliner for reading and napping; certain books at arm’s reach and others arranged on shelves in an order that only makes sense to me, and an accessible spot for my computer. The walls are covered with pictures and mementoes, as are the shelves. To an outsider, my little room may look cluttered, but to me it exudes simplicity.
My only suggestion (at least for now) has to do with privacy. Whether you close the door or leave it open, or whether you even have a door, be sure that no one can see your special sitting place as they walk by. I certainly don't want to encourage comments or conversation, nor do I want anyone peeking and musing about my silence, solitude and simplicity. I go with, the adage, “Out of sight, out of mind.”