He said detachment is three things
• Living life on life’s terms
• Living life to be cherished, not clung to.
• Making right choices in life.
I’ve been working with this as a three part process to help me emotionally, spiritually, and physically live my life in a positive, proactive, uplifting way.
• Living life on life’s terms. Being honest about a situation, what is happening, how I am feeling about it, how others in my orbit are responding. Personal truth telling!
• Cherishing: Accept what I have been given; not clinging to how I wish it would be.
• Make choices: take action in ways that will benefit me, my friends and family, and in the world—me, those I know, and those I don’t.
These days our plates are full. I picture all the yummy things, which for me would include a burger. But alas, the plate would have to have vegetables ( I don’t like them). If I want to enjoy the burger I have to choose the veggies, which I can eat with a certain kind of detachment.