So yesterday it was a delight to receive an email from a women named Amy, who just wanted to say hello and thank me for the blog. She had come upon it in some random search that we all do from time to time. I wrote her back and encouraged her, since she like to write, to find public forum for that. Artists, be they musicians, painters, architects, gardeners, surgeons--the list goes on and on--, and yes, writers, need an audience to complete their work.
Let me say some more about this blog. When I first started it back in 2010 at the cottage by the seathat I rented, I told a few people about it. But then I stopped 'advertising' it and deleted it as a signature at the bottom of my email. For the past eight or so years I have let the blog just 'be.' Sometime I post often; then only once in a while (although I've kept the daily quote going every other day). Then I pick u[ and post often again, then I lay off. I travel and post pictures! I like to think that Joseph Campbell would be proud of the way I follow my bliss.
I love the organic nature of A cottage by the sea. That's how the sea is! I deeply believe, that what I write is an offering to the universe. LOL, I don't mean to sound highfalutin or arrogant. No, just the opposite, humble. I want to say that this is a free gift offering, but theologically that gets extremely complicated. What I mean is that I offer this blog freely as a gift to anyone who comes upon it. I need nothing in return, but I must admit that I am inspired, affirmed, and encouraged when I know it has helped someone.
Final though--for now! Each one of us has a free gift to offer; we just need to figure out what it is.